Monday, February 20, 2023

The False Goddess of Rebellion

 Today I saw a book for little girls- something like Bedtime Stories for Rebellious Girls.  It occurred to me this is a subplot- or sub-identity (as in identity politics) meant to attenuate or destroy a woman's capacity to operate in a generative fashion.

Briefly, the entire point of these 'identities' that they try to brainwash people with is to keep the current cancerous bureaucracy on top.  They pretend there's some other 'oppressor' - i.e. not the blindingly obvious incompetent/evil bureaucrats who are currently in charge and driving Western civilization into the ground.  They are extra happy when low IQ people fall for their crap, because we have yet another fight between groups of people not in power, while those in power pretend to be 'professionals' and go around assigning blame, or privilege, and redistribute a huge chunk of resources to themselves while claiming to help whoever is perceived as the biggest victim in the current year.

But the rebel is inevitably defined by who she rebels against.  If there is nothing to rebel against, well, you might have to stop thinking about rebellion and start- I don't know, growing food or something.  I mean, we need food, so somebody has to grow the stuff or everybody is going to get really hungry.

By the same token, there's family, society, ecosystem etc...  A lot of important stuff to maintain and grow, especially if you get wind of the fact that the bureaucracy has been reflexively damaging this stuff since the late 1800s.  

What does rebellion get you in a situation where you desperately need to be responsible for and either build or help build real systems that will keep you and your progeny alive?  They never seem to rebel against the bureaucratic state, but instead a revisionist version of what came before. A boogeyman that doesn't even exist.  The entire project is meant to keep you helping your exploiters alive, well, and in position to keep exploiting you.  

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