Monday, February 2, 2009

Services No Longer Required

The Atomic Nerds render a pink slip unto Caesar:

As your spiritual predecessor, Jimmy Carter, demonstrated in the 1970s, it is entirely possible to run this nation without a President mentally in the office. Given the circumstances thus far, we wish to see how things work out with a President who is not only mentally absent, but physically as well. With the government’s track record over the last fifty or so years (arguably for considerably longer, but we cannot hold you responsible for the actions of those you are merely emulating), it would with near certainty improve matters entirely if no new laws were passed at all. Without a body in the office to sign off on the idiocy flowing from the group claiming to represent the public, the amount of new legislative burden the average citizen must work around should be significantly diminished.

I'd like to extend it to all the parasites in Washington D.C. Better yet, let's quarantine the entire city. Any libertarians in the C.D.C who can sneak an order out with the right letterhead?

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